Easy Gluten and Dairy Free Biscuits

Resolute Michaels • Nov 01, 2018

While the turkey is the star of the Thanksgiving meal, the accoutrements are the supporting players. For those of us who avoid gluten, dairy, and more, we can miss out on traditional favorites, especially the stuffing and rolls.

Here’s a recipe to the rescue! The biscuits can be made a few days early, crumbled, and laid out to dry for use in your favorite stuffing recipe. Plus, serving these freshly baked and hot with the meal is beyond amazing! Leftovers, if there are any, hold up extremely well for tasty turkey sandwiches.

I use Namaste Organic Perfect Flour Blend because, unlike other gluten free flour blends, this one does not contain potato starch, a nightshade—for my nightshade sensitive friends.

Life can be good, and holidays soul-satisfying, even when you are gluten free!

Approx. 20 biscuits

4 c gluten free flour mix (Namaste brand works great in this recipe)
6 ¼ tsp baking powder
1 ¼ tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 c coconut milk
3 Tbl coconut oil, melted

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Add all dry ingredients to a bowl and mix well. Combine milk and oil. Add wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, stirring until just mixed, then beat another 10 strokes. Drop onto a parchment lined pan to make 20 biscuits. Bake for 18 - 22 minutes, until lightly browned. Serve warm or use in stuffing! Enjoy.

26 Aug, 2024
If you have an interest in dietary supplements and a healthy lifestyle, you’re probably familiar with Terry Naturally®, a well-regarded supplement brand known for high-quality products and clinical research. But you may not know how this successful company got its start, and how it continues to remain a respected leader in the dietary supplement industry year after year.
26 Aug, 2024
The system of plant and flower-based essences was developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, a physician and homeopath who was convinced that emotional wellbeing was key to overall health. Dr. Bach devoted his life to exploring the use of flowers and plants to create a simple, natural and gentle approach to emotional balance. He eventually went on to establish The Bach Centre in Oxfordshire, England, where he developed the essences as we know them today. As demand for the essences grew, The Bach Centre partnered with Nelsons Pharmacy to help make and bottle the essences, and Nelsons has been responsible for the signature brand essences ever since. Nelsons is the owner of the Bach® Original Flower Remedy brand, and is the only maker authorized by The Bach Center. Explore this brand of flower remedies at both Marlene’s locations. Agrimony: Communicate openly and have genuine cheerfulness & self-acceptance Aspen: Feel secure and find inner peace to face the unknown Beech: Be more tolerant and have compassion toward others Centaury: Be assertive and follow your own path, uninfluenced by others Cerato: Trust your intuition and have quiet self-assurance and decisiveness Cherry Plum: Be in control and keep composure in the midst of disorder Chestnut Bud: Learn from mistakes and gain knowledge and wisdom from the past Chicory: Love unconditionally and care for others without the expectation of reciprocity Clematis: Have focus, concentration and interest in the day-to-day Crab Apple: Accept imperfections in yourself and others Elm: Be efficient and keep perspective and self-assurance when overwhelmed Gentian: Accept setbacks and have conviction that difficulties can be overcome Gorse: Have hope and a sense of faith. Heather: Empathize, listen and encourage a two way dialogue Holly: Goodwill towards others and being generous hearted without expecting a return Honeysuckle: Live in the present, letting history be a lesson for the future Hornbeam: Procrastinate less and face the day ahead with positivity Impatiens: Have patience and think and act mindfully without haste or irritation Larch: Have confidence to approach situations with confidence & determination Mimulus: Face your fears and have courage to face difficulties with perspective Mustard: Bring a state of joy back to life Oak: Restore endurance and remain strong while understanding your limits Olive: Restore energy by letting go, allowing revitalization and restoration of mental energy Pine: Have self-respect and accept yourself as you would others Red Chestnut: Peace of mind to care for others without negatively impacting your relationships Rock Rose: Have courage and presence of mind in tricky situations Rock Water: To have a flexible mind and attitude when striving for goals Scleranthus: Exercise certainty and decisiveness Star Of Bethlehem: Neutralize grief while staying strong in mind & body, learning to accept the inevitable Sweet Chestnut: Being optimistic and experiencing hopefulness Vervain: Relaxed, calm, wise and tolerant Vine: Seeing the good in others; guiding & encouraging without controlling Walnut: Adapt to change, move forward and make changes in life with constancy Water Violet: Connect with others and nurture warmer relationships White Chestnut: Tranquility and peace of mind Wild Oat: Find confidence to decide your own path Wild Rose: Show enthusiasm and an active interest in the world and people around you Willow: Forgive and forget past injustices and enjoy life 
26 Aug, 2024
In 2015, Wes Hurt had a vision to create a company that uses its profits to support individuals in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. This vision came to life in the form of CLEAN Cause, a better-for-you beverage company founded in Austin, TX. Being in recovery himself, Wes saw firsthand how safe, supportive housing played a pivotal role in the recovery journey. Recovery housing empowers individuals to establish recovery routines, find employment & prepare to re-enter the world. Realizing the critical need for making this type of housing more accessible, Wes made it his mission to fund scholarships that would alleviate the financial burden. Now with over $3.2 million granted to recovery housing scholarship recipients, CLEAN Cause is making a significant impact on individuals and families impacted by substance use disorders. From Bottled Water to Organic Yerba Mate The company began with Wes selling CLEAN Cause bottled water out of his truck to local convenience & grocery stores in Austin, Texas. Finding himself fatigued by the grind of growing his new venture, he needed a source of caffeine - but one that was organic, refreshing & sat well on his stomach, unlike coffee. This quest led him to discover yerba mate, a South American plant known for its natural caffeine content and health benefits. Enter the product that CLEAN Cause is known for today - organic yerba mate teas. These beverages offer a refreshing alternative to traditional energy drinks, providing a healthier option that resonates with consumers looking for a better caffeine source. Available nationwide and at Marlene’s, CLEAN Cause creates both sparkling and non-carbonated options with deliciously refreshing flavors like Lemonade & Tea, Blueberry, Peach, and Blackberry. Each product line features 160mg of organic caffeine, which customers love for its even, crash-free boost. Every Can Lends a Hand Through the profits from CLEAN Cause beverage sales, the CLEAN Cause Foundation distributes $500 housing scholarships to individuals in early stages of their recovery. To date, the Foundation has granted over 5,000 housing scholarships - and the team is just getting started. These one-time scholarships are often a critical piece of the recipient's early recovery journey. One recipient shared “No words can express how thankful I am for the scholarship. $500 may not be a lot for others, but it’s everything to me. This will help me get back on my feet and focus on what is important: my sobriety, my family and getting my job back.” Why September is Special The importance of CLEAN Cause's mission is highlighted every September during National Recovery Month (NRM). NRM serves as a reminder that recovery from addiction is possible and that the community plays a crucial role in supporting those on their journey. CLEAN Cause participates in this movement by raising awareness and providing individuals with a beverage option that’s both better for you and better for the community. While the company recognizes it won’t be the only solution, CLEAN Cause is proud to be working towards one. Looking for ways to support individuals in recovery? Stop by Marlene’s and pick up a better-for-you boost to help support addiction recovery with every sip.
26 Aug, 2024
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a robust immune system and sustaining high energy levels are essential for a healthy, active lifestyle. Reg'Activ Immune & Vitality offers a powerful solution to these needs, combining unique, scientifically backed ingredients to enhance your overall well-being. Available at Marlene's, this exceptional supplement is designed to support your immune system and boost your vitality. Let's delve into what makes Reg'Activ Immune & Vitality a standout choice for health-conscious consumers
By Elizabeth Ashbrook 26 Aug, 2024
How do you unlock your full potential? At Source Naturals® , we believe vibrant health is the key. That’s why we connect you to scientific discoveries, global traditions, and nature’s vast intelligence to reveal the secrets of health. Through expert formulation and education, we aim to optimize human biology— so you can transform your life. When our family-owned business got its start over 40 years ago, it was with the intent to reinvent healthcare. Instead of reacting when challenges arise, we wanted to proactively provide tools to help people speak to their own bodies and genes. We believe that nutrition and diet are these tools, and that the right formulation is crucial. It used to be rare for a supplement to combine many vitamins, minerals, and herbs—especially for immune support. We pioneered the concept (and changed the way the industry thought about formulation) with Wellness Formula® in 1983. This holistic philosophy shaped concepts like SystemiCare® , which aims to balance interdependent body systems. But we soon discovered additional techniques. Our Bio-Aligned Formula® approach set the gold standard we adhere to today. It supports interdependent body systems associated with a health goal, from many different angles, with targeted and easily utilized nutrients, to comprehensively cover all your bases. Our BerberTrim™ formula is a perfect example. When paired with our Optimal Metabolism Diet Plan™, it was designed to address key areas of metabolic health to fuel weight management. It not only supports the GLP-1 pathway and healthy carb, glycemic, and lipid profiles, but it curbs cravings and optimizes circulation, digestion, gut health, and energy. It goes beyond substandard formulas to include the full clinically studied 1,000 mg of berberine and over 10 ingredients that boost its strength and scope to help you get healthy & trim. Ultra-Mag™ represents another excellent example of our nuanced formulation style. Because different forms of magnesium support different health goals, we invested time and study to unite them in one formula to unlock its full potential. Ultra-Mag delivers a high potency of bioavailable magnesium from five sources, which doesn’t just power your muscles and bones but also addresses your heart, nerves, energy systems, and mental wellness. This 5-in-1 formula also includes vitamin B-6 for magnesium utilization and additional muscle, cognitive, and cardiovascular support.* Source Naturals® is formulating for the future today—so you can unlock your full potential and transform your life.*
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